Multi Talented

On Sunday 7 February, the club travelled to the Emirates Arena, in order to compete in the annual Under 12 Indoor Superteams competition. Over 100 teams from all over Scotland  entered this very popular event, where teams of 4 competed in the 60m, Long Jump, Shot Putt...

Under 12 Superteams

With reference to this Sundays Superteams event at the Emirates Arena, please note that we will now meet at 0830 hours at Broadwood Stadium Car Park and not Muirfield as previously stated. Thanks for those who have offered to assist with transport. Should you be going...

Under 12 Superteams

The above event takes place at the Emirates Arena on Sunday 7 February 2016. Unfortunately this year, clubs have been limited to entering a  maximum of  2 boys and 2 girls teams. This will mean that we have been unable to enter all of the teams/ athletes that we would...