On Sunday 13 September , the club will travel to Helix Park near Falkirk ( home Of the Kelpies ) to participate in the Junior 2k Park Run at this location. The event is open to all junior athletes aged 4-14 and is an excellent opportunity to test your fitness before the winter season and to prepare for the Cumbernauld 1k/3k the following week. The event is FREE to enter but you must register in advance at www.parkrun.org.uk/helix-juniors (and bring your bar code to the event).The club will not be providing transport to this event and any athlete competing should meet at the venue for 0910 (0930 start). This means an early start but you should be finished by 1000 and have the rest of the day to yourself. In the event that you would like to take part but have difficulty in obtaining transport then please speak to Gary and we will endeavour to sort something out TEAMER notifications will be sent so please respond accordingly.
Please also note that over the next few weeks the club will attend a number of road races over various distances. Points will be awarded for each of the different races with the overall club champions being determined and recognised at the the Club AGM later in the year. This event is one of the counting races. Please see the revised RR CHAMPS list of events for more info.