This Sunday the Club will take 4 Teams, (2 boys& 2 girls), to the Emirates Arena to take part in this year’s SuperTeams Indoor Championships 🙂

Are Your New to SuperTeams? 🙂
For those not familiar with the format, each team is made up of 4 Athletes who all compete in the 60m, Long Jump, Shot Put and 4x200m with all the performances result in points for their team.

Our Team Selection, Team Managers & Event Timetable
After a number of discussions amongst the Junior ME Coaches the following Athletes have been selected to represent the Club.

Also included below are the:
– Club Coaches and Senior Athletes who have kindly agreed to be Team Managers
– the Event Timetable for each Team

Meeting up at the Emirates Arena
Can I please ask all Athletes in the Girls A, Girls B and Boys A Teams to be at the Emirates Arena,  1st Floor,  at 09.00 to meet up with your Team Managers.

As the Boys B Team don’t start their events until a bit later if you can be at the Emirates Arena for the 10.00 that would be great 🙂

What the Athletes Need to Bring
Can all the Club Athletes please bring the following:

  • Club Vest
  • Club T-Shirt
  • Club Hoodie
  • Flats (to warmup in)
  • Spikes/ Flats (whatever the Athlete feels comfortable to compete it)
  • Water
  • Lunch

Parents/ Guardians & Coaches Looking to Spectators – Please Register Ahead of the Event
For all those Parents, Guardians & Coaches that would like to attend and cheer on the Athletes on Sunday, can you please use the following Scottish Athletics link to register and bring along your email confirmation as that will be your entry ticket to the event:

On behalf of all the Club, we hope all those Athletes representing the Club have a fantastic time – go and enjoy 🙂