Last weekend Amy Kennedy, Arran Kennedy,  Euan Wallace, Hannah Wallace and Aimie Hendry represented the Club in this years National Combined Events at the Emirates Arena – all doing exceptionally well.

Saturday 13th February – U13 Boys & Girls and U15 Boys

Euan Wallace U13 Boys CE – 6th Place:
Euan CE



Arran Kennedy U15 Boys CE – 11th Place:

Arran CE



Amy Kennedy U13 Girls National CE Champion – 1st Place 🙂

Winning 4 out of the 5 Events – well done Amy!












Sunday 14th February – U15 Girls

Aimie Hendry & Hannah Wallace:

Great New PB’s in the High Jump for Aimie and Long Jump for Hannah – great performances from the pair of you!

U15 Girls CE